International Campaigns

International campaigns

International campaigns

In October 2022, scientists from Scientist Rebellion Denmark joined the international campaign Unite Against Climate Failure, which gathered over 80 scientists from around the world in Germany. The campaign demanded that the German government - the largest cumulative CO2 emitter in all of Europe - admit failure: there is now no politically viable pathway for staying below the global 1.5°C warming limit. The government must act on this failure and take emergency action.
Listen to the scientists

Listen to the scientists

The Danish government sells itself as being a “climate government” while at the same time expanding fossil infrastructure: creating new gas pipelines, continuing extraction of oil in the North Sea for the next 20 years, and advancing a massive highway expansion project throughout the country. They have also defunded their own Climate Council, demonstrating they have little interest in fulfilling their obligations under the 2020 Climate Law, let alone taking meaningful climate action.