International campaigns

In October 2022, scientists from Scientist Rebellion Denmark joined the international campaign Unite Against Climate Failure, which gathered over 80 scientists from around the world in Germany. The campaign demanded that the German government - the largest cumulative CO2 emitter in all of Europe - admit failure: there is now no politically viable pathway for staying below the global 1.5°C warming limit. The government must act on this failure and take emergency action. We interrupted the German chancellor’s speech at the WHO summit in Berlin, sounding the fire alarm of the hotel where he was speaking, to signify that he must immediately put his government in climate emergency mode.
We also demanded that the German government petition the IMF and World Bank to cancel the financial debt owed by countries in the Global South that have done the least to cause climate change, in order for them to be able to transition to renewable technologies. We occupied the German Finance Ministry, in collaboration with the movement Debt4Climate.
Finally, we demanded the German government immediately decarbonise its transport sector, by enacting a speed limit on its highways, and enabling affordable public transport across the country. We occupied the German Transport Ministry, Volkswagen’s Autostadt expo in Wolfsburg, and the BMW Car Museum in Munich. Many scientists were arrested for these actions, some spending a week in jail.